Diet Plan

Healthy Meals for Infancy (0-12 months)
Meal Planning
By understanding the sources of various nutrients, we can create a balanced and healthy dietary management during infancy. The World Health Organization (WHO) published the latest international growth standards for infants and young children in 2006, believing that breast milk not only supports healthy growth, but also provides a foundation for appropriate cognitive development and long-term health. Therefore, WHO recommends that all babies should be exclusively breastfed for six months, then add appropriate solid food, and should continue to be breastfed until they are over two years old; the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that babies should be breastfed for at least until After one year old, the mother and child decide together the method and time of weaning.
Fat in breast milk is the main energy component. Fat plays an important role in the brain and nerve development of newborns. It also provides the calories needed for baby growth. It is rich in fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E, K and lipase. Fat is completely absorbed by the baby. use efficiently. In addition to providing essential amino acids, breast milk protein also provides protective factors, vitamins, hormones, digestive enzymes, etc.
The Purpose of adding Non-Staple Food
- Adapting babies to new foods other than breast milk and infant formula.
- As preparation for weaning.
- Provide nutrition other than milk.
- Get used to eating utensils other than bottles, such as spoons, etc.
- Learning to use spoons/chopsticks: Food should be easy to get. Only consider feeding if you can’t finish the food after taking it yourself.
Types and Nutritional Guidelines of Baby Non-Staple Foods
4-6 Months Non-staple Food Focus: Juice Type
- This stage is in the devouring stage and can be fed at 10 am every day, once a day.
- Start with fruit juices and vegetable juices, and provide plain vegetable soups without salt.
- Fruit juices and cereals should be diluted with boiled water. Rice soup is the mildest and less allergenic grain, so it can be added first.
- Preparation method: Grind the food, grind the food finely with a grater or sieve the food through a sieve.
7-9 Months Non-Staple Food Focus: Fruit Puree / Vegetable Puree
- This stage is in the biting period and can be fed once a day at 10 am and 2 pm.
- Mainly for sticky dishes, finely chop and roughly grate food.
- The taste should be light. In order to avoid increasing the burden on the kidneys and digestive system, there is no need to add oil, salt or other seasonings during this period.
- Supplementary food for teething. After the baby is about 6 months old, he or she will start to grow teeth, drool, and have itchy gums. Therefore, the toast bread can be cut into strips, baked hard, and sealed in a plastic bag, or soda crackers or harder dry bread can be used. Feeding. It allows the baby to practice crushing food with his tongue before swallowing, so the softness and hardness of food should be based on tofu and pudding.
- Mainly add fruit juice, fruit puree, vegetable puree, orange juice, tomato juice, watermelon juice, apple puree, banana puree, papaya paste, spinach puree, pumpkin puree and radish puree, etc. Do not add more new foods per week than 2 kinds.
- Iron food supplements, since breast milk or infant formula lacks iron, and the iron stored in the baby's body is only enough to be used until 3-6 months of age. Therefore, in addition to breastfeeding, it is advisable to gradually add some foods containing iron and other nutrients so that the baby can grow naturally and normally. Liver puree and egg yolk puree are food sources of iron and should be supplemented in particular. Start by adding only 1/2 to 1 teaspoon of egg yolk (about 1/8 egg yolk), then slowly increase to 1 egg yolk.
- To avoid allergies, egg whites should be introduced after the baby is 10 to 12 months old.
10-12 Months Non-Staple Food Focus: Porridge, Rice
- Babies aged 10-12 months can start drinking milk and eating whole eggs. However, it is more appropriate to wait until the baby is 1 year old to give many whole milk products, such as cheese, yogurt, Yakult and other foods.
- Cultivate your baby's ability to eat on his own and try to let your baby eat by himself.
- Demonstrate correct actions (such as holding a spoon, holding a cup) so that your baby can learn.
- Choose correct and safe tableware and unbreakable cups, bowls, plates and spoons.
- The quality and heat resistance of tableware must also be considered.
4-6 months Infancy
Smooth Paste Food
Babies aged 4-6 months are in the devouring stage, starting with fruit juices and vegetable juices. Provide plain vegetable soup without salt, and iuices and cereals should be diluted with boiled water. To grate food, grind it finely using a grater or sieve it through a sieve.
7-9 months Infancy
Thick Paste and Puree Food
Babies aged 7-9 months are in the biting stage at this stage. They mainly eat sticky dishes and chop the food into fine pieces and roughly grind it. The taste should be light. In order to avoid increasing the burden on the kidneys and digestive system, there is no need to add oil, salt or other seasonings at this time.
10-12 months Infancy
Granular Puree Food
You can start drinking milk and eating whole eggs at the age of 0-12 months. However, for many whole milk products. such as cheese, yogurt. Yakult and other foods. it is more appropriate to wait until after 1 year old to give them. Cultivate the baby's ability to eat on his own and try to let the baby eat by himself.
Healthy Meals for Infancy (1-3 years old)
Meal Planning
Although the growth and development of children after one year old is slower than that of infancy, it is still a stage of rapid growth in the life cycle. At this time, normal growth must be used as a feeding indicator, and attention must be paid not to force feeding. Daily nutritional recommendations for early childhood are:
- Protein: Appropriate protein supplementation will make the metabolism of brain nerve cells more active.
- Carbohydrates: Food sources: whole grains, grains and roots, beans, etc.
- Oils and fats: Unsaturated fatty acids are important nutrients that can help the development of brain cell membranes and the formation of brain cells, brain nerve fibers and retina. Young children should usually consume appropriate amounts of fish oil, linseed oil, soybean oil, and pumpkin seeds.
- Vitamins: folic acid, vitamin B12, zinc-containing foods, taurine-containing foods, vitamin B complex foods, vitamin C foods, vitamin E foods, vitamin A, vitamin D, water-soluble vitamins.
- Other nutritional supplements and minerals: calcium, iron, zinc, lecithin and antioxidant nutrients.
- Moisture: Recommended daily intake for children aged 1-3 years old is 1150-1500 cc.
Nutritional Guidelines for Non-staple Foods and Snacks
- Snacks twice a day: to supplement nutrients and calories, quality is better than quantity.
- rink at least 2 cups of milk every day: supply protein, calcium, vitamin B2.
- Eat 1 egg a day: Provide protein, iron, and vitamin B complex.
- 1-3 years old: about 100g of meat/fish/tofu per day, providing protein, vitamin B complex, etc.
- Dark green and dark yellow/red vegetables: At least 100g per day.
- The content of vitamin A, C and iron is higher than that of light-colored vegetables.
- Supplement animal liver: provide protein, minerals and vitamins.
Organic Food Concept
Provide young children with the freshest and most healthy organic fruits and vegetables every day, adhering to expert proportions, rich and complete nutrition, so that babies can have balanced nutrition without any burden.
The meals at this center are planned by nutritionist Zhang Xiuru of Tainan City Hospital. They are mainly natural fruits, vegetables and cereals. We insist on 100% natural ingredients, no sugar, no spices, and no artificial additives. We insist on complete food, retaining natural dietary fiber and complete nutrition. Essence. In addition to white rice, whole grains such as brown rice, oats, and buckwheat are also included in meals as staple foods. Frequently change the types of grains to absorb multiple nutrients. Practical experience in the production and use of materials used in organic agriculture, such as biological pesticides, biological fertilizers, compost production, and natural enemy breeding, provides the best quality and most stable organic agricultural products. We have many experts with doctorates and master's degrees in agriculture. In order to use Consumers can rest assured that we produce the organic fertilizers and safe pest control materials needed for crops by ourselves, and we are committed to auditing strict production records.
Complete Independent Farmland
Good Organic Environment
Rigorous Production History
Professional Work Team